Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Entry #3

NAME: Aubrey DATE: 2/16/10
BOOK: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
AUTHOR: J. K. Rowling PAGE: 571- End of Book


17. If you could change one thing in the book, what would it be? Why would you change it?

If I could change one thing about the book I would make less death. I found that many people died especially in the 7th book. I think that it adds more feeling and emotion however I find it really sad that almost half of the characters die. I think that Dobby shouldn't die. He was one of my favorite characters and I almost cried when he died. Another character that I wished wouldn't die would be Mad-Eye because I thought he was a strong character and could of been of help for the other characters in the book.


12. Do you think you would read another book by this author? Why or why not?

RESPONSE 2: I would like to read another book by this author because I really like her writing for a couple of reasons. One, I really enjoy reading fantisy. It is my favorite type of genre. Another reason would be because most of the books she has written has been based around Harry Potter. That way when I read them I would have back ground information. Also, there are many magical creatures in this book that other people write about as well. However, these creatures are often given different names. That way when I read the book, all the creatures have the same names. Overall, I have heard great things about her books and would like to read them.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Entry #2

NAME: Aubrey DATE: February 5, 2010
BOOK: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
AUTHOR: J. K. Rowling PAGES: 284-571

QUESTION 1: 10. What advice would you give to a particular character? Why?

RESPONSE 1: I think that if I could give advice to anyone it would be to tell Harry Potter to be careful what he says. There are a few times when Harry got really angry and got himself in trouble. An example would be when he yelled at Ron. Just because he lost his temper and said a few wrong things, it changed the entire book. I also think that some of the things he said to Lupin could be really offensive. Not only that but I think it would really hurt the friendships between the characters. I think that would be the biggest piece of advice I would give.

QUESTION 2: 9. What is confusing in this book? Why? (Be specific)

RESPONSE 2: One of the most confusing parts of this book is that the book sometimes refers to the past six books. I think there are a few different highlights and low lights about that. Sometimes I find it annoying when a book writes pages about what had happened in previous books. However since I have not read the rest of the series recently, some parts are a bit confusing. For instance, they mentioned something about Dumbledore destroying some ring, but that's all they said about it. I found it slightly confusing because it didn't make much sense.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Entry #1

NAME: Aubrey DATE: February 2, 2010
BOOK: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
AUTHOR: J. K. Rowling PAGES: 1-285

QUESTION 1: 5. What was one of your favorite lines (or sentences) in what you read today? Copy it down and tell why you liked it. (It can be more than a sentence if you like, but not too long—you still need to write words of your own!)

RESPONSE 1: "There was a large bed with a carved wooden headboard, a tall window obscured by long velvet curtains, and a chandelier thickly coated in dust with candle stubs still resting in its sockets, solid wax hanging in frostlike drips. A fine film of dust covered the pictures on the chandelier and the top of the large wooden wardrobe..."

I thought that this paragraph was very descriptive. I felt like I could really see the room. One of my favorite parts was how they described the candles. I could see a clear image in my head of a dusty candle holder with wax dripping down the sides. Another part I liked was how the author described the dust over the room. The author wrote that there was a fine film of dust over everything instead of saying it was just dusty. Overall, I thought that this paragraph was very detailed and gave the reader a picture of what the room looked like.

QUESTION 2: 6. Explain how the author creates suspense in this book.

RESPONSE 2: “And then he saw the door of number twelve, Grimmauld Place, with its serpent door knocker, but before he could draw breath, there was a scream and a flash of purple light; Hermione's hand was suddenly vicelike upon his and everything went dark again.”

I think the main thing J. K. Rowling creates suspense is by creating cliff hangers at the end of chapters. For instance, the quote above was the end of a suspenseful chapter. Harry, Hermione, and Ron had just broken into the Ministry of Magic. There was a big scene at the end of the chapter and they had almost gotten caught. Then the author ends the chapter by having everything go dark. I felt like after reading about the battle and then I just ending there wanted me to read more. I think that having such a sudden ending really makes the readers want to see what happens in the next chapter.