Monday, September 28, 2009

Entry #4

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 4- Painted Faces and Long Hair
“The Meanie”
Perspevtive: Piggy

What things are you having trouble adjusting to on the island that are different from your life at home in England?

The teasing was bad back at school but now it is worst! Jack punched me right in the gut. It hurt so badly! I wish I were impalpable. He is so full of belligerence. I was so mad at him. Then he threw another punch at me, which knocked my specs off. He broke my specs! He is so mean! Anger just boiled up inside of me. Then he imitated me and dance around like me, because I was in pain. I wanted to cry! I want to go home. He was acting so malevolently.
How do you feel about the littluns?
The poor littluns, they must miss their parents something awful. I wanna go home but this is completely new and scary for them. Since I am older I feel responsible to protect them. They don’t do much to help though.
What do they do with their time?
They aren’t very helpful. They spend most of their time playing. They are very blatant. Playing in the sand or with other boys, they just can’t see to help out much.
Why do you all paint your faces?
I think the face paint looks ridiculous. I didn’t use any yet. The hunters think it will unable the pigs from seeing them but I think the idea is crazy. They look so weird with it on their faces. There is now a swarthiness to their faces.
What does this foreshadow?
The hunters are getting almost wild. They now have this crazy paint and are chanting things about blood after they kill a big. Yes, they killed a pig! I was so hungry for some meat I couldn’t wait to eat. Jack didn’t give me any. Simon gave me his. Since Simon was nice to me now Jack hates Simon. I am so sorry for Simon. He is so nice and trying to keep peace but now Jack doesn’t like him.
Why doesn’t the passing ship see you on the island?
The smoke went out. We were so excited about going home but stupid Jack and his choir boys went hunting and left the fire. Jack and Ralph had a fight today. Jack thinks hunting is more important when Ralph isn’t getting the respect he should get as a leader. They are now not willing to work together as a group. With the two main leaders gone, this will fall apart. I think their will be a lot more arguments and more fights. I am scared for what lays ahead now that our two leaders don’t agree.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Entry #3

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 3- Huts on Beach
“We Have Got To Work Together”
Perspective: Ralph

Dear Diary,
I am stuck to work on the huts with all the boys. We need to make a shelter. If another storm comes, like when got here, it is a good idea to make a shelter. Plus, I don’t want to say this to many people but everyone’s scared of the beastie. The littlun’s are scared. I lay awake at night and listen to them scream. I need to protect them. As the hunters went hunting I said that all the boys should work hard until the huts are done. Everyone went off and started working hard but after five minutes, they stopped and did other things. There are many vicissitudes to making the huts. They just wont stand up. We have only gotten two up so far and they are terribly shaky. Plus, none of the boys, except Simon, helped. Simon is an inscrutable boy. He is very small and frail with black hair but works incredibly hard. He works with rapt attention. He has done as much of work as I have. Jack got back from hunting today. He was thirsty. He keeps leaving and not helping with the work. Yes, we do need meat, but he is not getting anything! I think we should get the shelters done first then worry about the meat. Its sounds great but he is just wasting time. I can tell he is getting angrier. He sometimes gets this opaque look in his eyes that are almost wild. He thinks that hunting is more important than shelter. He just doesn’t get the responsibility that I have as the leader. I really want to get off the island. It is hard and most of the boys are getting lazy. Even Piggy, who was trying to act so responsible, isn’t helping. I don’t even know if the fire plan will work. I hope it does.
Got to go,
P.S. The tendril in the jungle is creeping me out!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Entry #2

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 2- Fire on the Mountain
“Stupid Fat Boy”
Perspective: Jack

1. Do you think this is a good island or a bad island?
This island is weird. It is so hot but the water looks great. There is pigs for me to hunt and I need to kill the beastie.
2. What is the beastie?
The beastie is this thing this annoying little said to be a snake like thing that tried to eat him. He was trying to induce us that it is real. I think it is stupid but if it is real, I will happily slice its head off with my knife.
3. What does it symbolize?
The beastie is just another fear on the island and another obstical to over come.
4. How does it make you feel?
I’m not scared. There probably is no such thing and the kid just had a nightmere.
5. What is your plan for being rescued?
Ralph thought of this plan for getting rescued. He said to make a big fire so a ship would see the ebullience of the smoke and come rescue us. I think it is a good idea. I wish I though of it first. I mean, it is a pretty good idea.
6. Do you want to be rescued?
Yes I do. I want to go home to my family but this will really show how good I am at everything.
7. How did you start a fire and what happens to the fire?
I pinched Piggy’s glasses and put them in the sunlight. The specs made the wood hot and it started to smoke. The fire caught on from there until the whole fire was ablaze. Unfortunately, the boys didn’t really have it under control so it started to burn the whole island. If the ships don’t see that smoke, they must be blind.
8. What happened to the little boy with a mark on his face?
That silly little boy who was talking about the snakes disappeared. I wonder if what happened. Maybe there really is a beastie. Oh well, he wasn’t that important.
9. How are you different from all the other boys?
I am clearly one of the best boys. I am head of the choir and now head of the hunters. I would say the only person better than me is Ralph, just because he is the leader. Plus he is only the leader because he has that conch thing. I don’t see why people didn’t vote for me!
10. As you go to bed each night, what is going through your head? Are you afraid, excited, indifferent…? What’s going on inside of your head?
Stupid Piggy keep talking and saying all this pointless stuff. Piggy is very errant, when I say shut up, he doesn’t. He keeps recriminating me, saying I’m not following the rules. He is trying to be important but he really isn't. Today when Ralph left him in charge to get everybody’s names, he didn't. I don't even know why Ralph trusts him. Maybe it was because he was with Ralph when he found the conch, but that's it. He is just a stupid fat boy who can’t keep to his own business. Ralph is mad at him now for not getting everybody's names anyways. Maybe he will forget Piggy. What a stupid name.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Entry #1

Lord of the Flies
The Call of the Shell
Perspective: Simon

Dear Diary,
I have had such a day! I was on this plane with the choir that I am in and all of the sudden the wings were on fire. We dropped down from the sky and I guess we landed on a island because from the looks of it, we’re the only ones here. After we landed I can’t remember much but I some how found the choir. I am dying in these cloaks. Why do they have to be long and black with this stupid hambone frill? The heat is killing me! I can almost see it. I fainted again. I think it was from the heat though. One thing on the plus side is that the view almost had a glamour to it. Were stuck in this little lagoon. The water looks fantastic and the survivors are all sitting under the ignoramus fronds from the palm trees. We have all voted for a leader. My choir chief, Jack, was sure that he was going to get it. He can be really mean and bossy sometimes though. I think the other guy Ralph is a better fit. I have never met him before but he seems like he is a great leader though. He was the one who called us with that big conch shell. That thing has power. It was effulgence that he called all the boys together with it. Ralph won the vote but placed Jack as head of the hunters. That’s me, the hunter. I’m kind of scared about hunting. It seems horrible to kill something living. I hope I don’t faint again! One of the best parts is that Ralph asked me to go on his adventure with Jack and him. With all the little intricacies from the jungle, I kept tripping and it was hard to keep up with them. Plus their legs are longer. Anyways, I think it was a great honor to be picked. We climbed through the jungles and the beaches and finally got to the top of the mountain. The view was AMAZING. We saw a great reef that surrounds most of the island. It protects the lagoon so it makes a nice swimming hole. Even though we are stranded, it sounds like things will be pretty good living here for now.
Got to go,