Thursday, September 17, 2009

Entry #1

Lord of the Flies
The Call of the Shell
Perspective: Simon

Dear Diary,
I have had such a day! I was on this plane with the choir that I am in and all of the sudden the wings were on fire. We dropped down from the sky and I guess we landed on a island because from the looks of it, we’re the only ones here. After we landed I can’t remember much but I some how found the choir. I am dying in these cloaks. Why do they have to be long and black with this stupid hambone frill? The heat is killing me! I can almost see it. I fainted again. I think it was from the heat though. One thing on the plus side is that the view almost had a glamour to it. Were stuck in this little lagoon. The water looks fantastic and the survivors are all sitting under the ignoramus fronds from the palm trees. We have all voted for a leader. My choir chief, Jack, was sure that he was going to get it. He can be really mean and bossy sometimes though. I think the other guy Ralph is a better fit. I have never met him before but he seems like he is a great leader though. He was the one who called us with that big conch shell. That thing has power. It was effulgence that he called all the boys together with it. Ralph won the vote but placed Jack as head of the hunters. That’s me, the hunter. I’m kind of scared about hunting. It seems horrible to kill something living. I hope I don’t faint again! One of the best parts is that Ralph asked me to go on his adventure with Jack and him. With all the little intricacies from the jungle, I kept tripping and it was hard to keep up with them. Plus their legs are longer. Anyways, I think it was a great honor to be picked. We climbed through the jungles and the beaches and finally got to the top of the mountain. The view was AMAZING. We saw a great reef that surrounds most of the island. It protects the lagoon so it makes a nice swimming hole. Even though we are stranded, it sounds like things will be pretty good living here for now.
Got to go,

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