Friday, February 5, 2010

Entry #2

NAME: Aubrey DATE: February 5, 2010
BOOK: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
AUTHOR: J. K. Rowling PAGES: 284-571

QUESTION 1: 10. What advice would you give to a particular character? Why?

RESPONSE 1: I think that if I could give advice to anyone it would be to tell Harry Potter to be careful what he says. There are a few times when Harry got really angry and got himself in trouble. An example would be when he yelled at Ron. Just because he lost his temper and said a few wrong things, it changed the entire book. I also think that some of the things he said to Lupin could be really offensive. Not only that but I think it would really hurt the friendships between the characters. I think that would be the biggest piece of advice I would give.

QUESTION 2: 9. What is confusing in this book? Why? (Be specific)

RESPONSE 2: One of the most confusing parts of this book is that the book sometimes refers to the past six books. I think there are a few different highlights and low lights about that. Sometimes I find it annoying when a book writes pages about what had happened in previous books. However since I have not read the rest of the series recently, some parts are a bit confusing. For instance, they mentioned something about Dumbledore destroying some ring, but that's all they said about it. I found it slightly confusing because it didn't make much sense.

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