Monday, September 28, 2009

Entry #4

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 4- Painted Faces and Long Hair
“The Meanie”
Perspevtive: Piggy

What things are you having trouble adjusting to on the island that are different from your life at home in England?

The teasing was bad back at school but now it is worst! Jack punched me right in the gut. It hurt so badly! I wish I were impalpable. He is so full of belligerence. I was so mad at him. Then he threw another punch at me, which knocked my specs off. He broke my specs! He is so mean! Anger just boiled up inside of me. Then he imitated me and dance around like me, because I was in pain. I wanted to cry! I want to go home. He was acting so malevolently.
How do you feel about the littluns?
The poor littluns, they must miss their parents something awful. I wanna go home but this is completely new and scary for them. Since I am older I feel responsible to protect them. They don’t do much to help though.
What do they do with their time?
They aren’t very helpful. They spend most of their time playing. They are very blatant. Playing in the sand or with other boys, they just can’t see to help out much.
Why do you all paint your faces?
I think the face paint looks ridiculous. I didn’t use any yet. The hunters think it will unable the pigs from seeing them but I think the idea is crazy. They look so weird with it on their faces. There is now a swarthiness to their faces.
What does this foreshadow?
The hunters are getting almost wild. They now have this crazy paint and are chanting things about blood after they kill a big. Yes, they killed a pig! I was so hungry for some meat I couldn’t wait to eat. Jack didn’t give me any. Simon gave me his. Since Simon was nice to me now Jack hates Simon. I am so sorry for Simon. He is so nice and trying to keep peace but now Jack doesn’t like him.
Why doesn’t the passing ship see you on the island?
The smoke went out. We were so excited about going home but stupid Jack and his choir boys went hunting and left the fire. Jack and Ralph had a fight today. Jack thinks hunting is more important when Ralph isn’t getting the respect he should get as a leader. They are now not willing to work together as a group. With the two main leaders gone, this will fall apart. I think their will be a lot more arguments and more fights. I am scared for what lays ahead now that our two leaders don’t agree.

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