Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Entry #11

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 12- Cry of the Hunters
“Savage Beasts”
Perspective: Ralph

Dear Diary,
Today was the worst day that I have spent on this island. After Piggy fell off the cliff and was force to run into the woods because everyone was throwing spears at me. I ran as far away as I possibly could but I had no idea if I was safe. Samneric got captured by Jack so I wanted to go back and save them. I was hidden the bushes but I could still see Castle Rock clearly. I was so upset when I saw Samneric keeping watch. So that's it. They're in Jacks tribe now and I am an outcast. I climbed up the rock and tried to talk to Samneric. They told my to leave and to not come back. They told me that Roger has prepared a spear with points on both sides. I don't know what that meant. It sounds kind of familiar but I am not sure. They also told me that the tribe is going to line up and go across the entire island until they found me and killed me. I was really frightened. Samneric heard someone coming and shoved a piece of meat at me tell me to leave. That time I knew I had to leave. That night I decided to hide in the bramble. I thought it was a fool proof plan, I would get a chance to stab them first if they tried to crawl through and it would take them a week to make a path through the thick branches. I was wrong. They diddled me. They eventually forced me from my hiding spot. I should get some credit though because it took them a couple times before I was forced to leave. At first they tried to knock rocks off and have the rocks scare me out. I narrowly avoid them but I stayed where I was. They also tried stabbing spears at me however I could get to them first. Their last plan was to light the thing on fire. The smoke was suffocating me so I had to leave. I tried hiding in different places however I eventually ran to the beach. The entire island was on fire, I had no where else to go. I tripped, rolled down the sand, and when I looked up I saw a Naval Officer. He had pure white drill and many epaulettes on his uniform. I think that was the biggest surprise in my life. Jack and his hunters slowly appeared among the beach. Percival, the kid who knew his entire name and street, tried to introduce himself but he had forgotten his name. When the Naval Officer asked who was responsible for everything I said I was. I know I was putting all blame on me but I knew that Jack would plan innocent. The Naval Officer was very disappointed in us, he thought we would be more civilized. I tried to tell him that it was different but I realized that we were now a bunch of savages. I am writing this from the boat that we're sailing home on. Oh, Captain is calling, write more later.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Entry #10

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 11- Castle Rock
“Nothing Goes Right”
Perspective: Aubrey

#1 Piggy told Ralph to blow the conch. To blow it long and hard. In the book they said it was like the very first time when they had first found the conch.

#2 Piggy would go to Jack and tell him that he isn’t as smart or as good as Jack is but he wanted the glasses back to be fair and because “what’s right is right”.

#3 When they wanted to go and talk to Jack, Ralph wanted everybody to be all neat. He wanted their hair combed and everybody bathed. He wanted them to be civilized just like they were before they crashed.

#4 When Ralph, Piggy, Sam, and Eric approached castle rock Roger was at the top asking them who went there. When he started blowing the conch more savages came out from behind the rock.

#5 Jack was out hunting when the boys came. He heard the conch and came back to defend his castle. There was a cessation of noise when he appeared.

#6 Ralph calls Jack a thief for stealing Piggy’s glasses. Jack gets mad and starts yelling at Ralph telling him to call him a thief over and over again.

#7 After the fight Jack tells the savages to tie up Samneric. The boys beat them up. I think that Jack did that just to show how powerful he is to Ralph now and that the boys are on his side.

#8 While Piggy was holding the conch that acted like a tailsman and trying to talk sense into the boys Roger kept throwing rocks. They went close to the boys but never hit anybody.

#9 I think that it was Rogers fault. He was clearly on top of the rock and pushed the lever down. Jack was on the bottom getting ready to charge so the rock would be swept clear. Jack was definitely intending on doing something however I don’t know if anyone would have died. Jack never gave any orders for Roger to push the lever and I think that he was surprised to have that happen. Roger was clearly delirious and was truculent when he did it. Overall, I think that it was Roger who killed Piggy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Entry #9

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 10-The Shell and the Glasses
The Loss of Hope
Perspective: Simon

Dear Diary,
I never thought my life would end so soon. Jack murdered me. Today I watched what has happened since I died. I know I am a ghost, but I still want to be on the island. I heard Ralph and Piggy talking about why I died. Ralph thinks it was murder. It was! I was trying to tell them about the dead aviator but they jumped on me and stabbed my to death. It was the worst thing I ever experienced. Piggy thinks it was an accident. He said they were all scared and tensions were high. It was also at night during a storm, which only makes it worse.
Later that day I went to see what Jack was doing. With him in power it is horrible! He is treated like a king and only thinks of himself. Ralph always thinks about the littluns and cared for others, but Jack only wants his way. I heard that he was going to beat up poor little Wilfred only because he was mad. Wilfred was tied up for hours just waiting for Jack to beat him up. I think I am glad that I am dead and I don’t have to deal with Jack. Plus, he thinks that I was the beast disguised and doesn’t even realized that he is a murderer! While I was there they also talked about attacking Ralphs tribe that night. I wish I could tell Ralph. Maurice, Roger, and him are going to steal fire. They are staying on the sand in case the “beastie” attacks. I wish I could have told everybody that the beast was fake.
I watched what happened when the boys attacked. It was horrible! Every one was fighting and hurting each other. Jack and his tribe are all savages. Eric got his face all bloodied up by Ralph because they had no idea who they were hitting. Jack and his hunters soon left after getting what they wanted. Instead of fire, they took Piggy’s glasses, the only thing he can see with. Now poor Piggy has to be hand led. This situation is just going horribly wrong. Everyone is so mean to each other!
That’s it for now,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Entry #8

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 8 and 9
Gift for the Darkness
A View to a Death

In the chapter Gift for the Darkness, horrible things happen. I think the worst part is when they hunt the pig. The boys decide to go for the fattest pig that there is. The poor pig has its own piglets to look after. They hurtle the spears at the sow only injuring it. She let out a blood curling scream and limped off. That began the most blood thirsty hunt. Trampling through the forest the boys follow the trail of blood. I think that it is horrible that the hunters go crazy at the sight of blood. They track the sow to a peaceful meadow. She lay in the meadow, gushing blood everywhere. The hunters jumped her. Stabbing their spears where ever they saw flesh, the butterflies danced above. In the book the author says, “She squealed and bucked and the air was full of sweat and noise and blood and terror.” Jack found the throat and tore at it with his knife. The blood spurted all over the wrestling mound. At last the pig layed still. Jack, taking his knife, slammed down and slit off the sows head. He then took a spear, stuck it into the ground, then jammed the head on it. “This head is for the beast. It's a gift,” Jack declared. With the blood dripping down the spear, the boys left the meadow. I think that this part is horribly descriptive. This is my least favorite part because the images in my head are terrifying. Overall, this part is vividly descriptive of a horrifying part.

I think that Jack and his hunters were responsible for Simon's death. The book says, "Jack leapt on to the sand. "Do or dance! Come on! Dance!" This was right at the time when the storm broke out and Jack was getting uneasy. By him starting up his dance the boys went crazy. They started chanting, "Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!" The boys were unstopable. They wanted to kill anything that was in the middle. Jack was all a part of this too. He was the leader in the dance. Even if he did realize what he was doing, there was no way in stoping the chanting boys. In conclusion, Jack inspired his tribe to hunt down Simon.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Entry #7

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 7- Shadows and Tall Trees
“Kill the Beast”
Perspective: Ralph

Dear Journal,
Today I got to go hunting with Jack. It was so much fun. I am starting to realize why Jack always wants to hunt. It is so thrilling! I was terrified and excited when I saw the pig. I hit it! I didn’t get it but I hit it on the nose! I injured my very first pig. I hope the pig was impervious because it looked like it would of hurt. We weren’t originally planning to go hunting; we were looking for the beast. We gave up but then the pig came running through. Even though we didn’t kill it we still had fun. Then we played this game. Robert pretended to be the pig and we all circled in on him. That’s our strategy. We surround the pig so there is no hope of escaping. Then we closed in and started stabbing Robert with the dull ends of out stick. We chanted, “ Kill the pig, cut his throat. Kill the pig, bash him in.” At first I wished were all dun when we went hunting the beastie but in the end I was completely pumped up. I wanted to play the game again. Jack said we could have someone dress up and then we could pretend to hunt it again. Robert said we needed a real pig because we had to kill it. Jack threw out the idea of using a littlun. I think it was a joke but I am not so sure. Jack doesn’t like the littluns very much so they could potentially be in danger. Jack, Rodger, and I went hunting for the beastie at night. We saw it budge. It was so scary. I tried to be brave in front of Jack though. I can’t let him know I am weak. I was looking at ourselves today and we are gross. Our hair is long and messy, our nails are overgrown, and we all have brine and dirt on ourselves. We do not have any hygiene at all. We are absolutely discussing! I really want to go home. Have a clean bathroom so I can wash up. I want to be with my family in our little cottage on the end of the moors. Maybe play a rugger game. I am trying to be sagely so we can get back but I can’t stop thinking about home.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Entry #6

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 6- Beast from Air
“Our New Fort”
Perspective: Jack

Someone just landed on our island. I think he crashed from the war. He looks like he is a dead pilot. It is funny because Ralph was just saying how he wanted a sign from the adult world. I am not sure that happened but I think it did. No one else knows about it because he crashed at night. I don’t think anyone was awake to see it crash. Plus it was dark out so we couldn’t see him fall. We also didn’t find the plane so no one really knows for sure. Not many of us are thinking about the outside world right now. We all want to survive it is like we are not actually in WWΠ. Sam and Eric think they saw the real beastie. Them two were on fire duty last night and they said it was right there. They tried to run away and it chased them. They barely got away. They said it was a huge beast with long claws and sharp fangs. They said it was flailing its wings. Maybe that is how the beastie is getting around. It’s flying. Once I heard the beast was out there I wanted to kill it! I wanted to run to the rocky bridge and stab it with my spear. All the other boys wanted to come to. Ralph wanted to think it out. He always wants to think. Think, think, think, that’s all he does! I wanted to kill. I am sure there is a beastie, why wouldn’t there be? I remember that one littlun who got lost. I want to go hunt it down and show everyone else that I am the best! I want power on this island. The hunt was embroiling but I was excited. Ralph is the head chief right now so I am stuck behind him. He always makes up these stupid rules and is worried about the conch. When we went hunting for the beastie, we found this fort. It is in a rock castle cover in guano. It is so cool. We can push rocks off the top on our enemies. It is so much fun there. Ralph doesn’t like it. He wants to make us leave, but he can’t. Ralph was waxy. He thinks we're mutinous. He can’t control me. I am a hunter and I am important.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Entry #5

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 5- Beast From Water
“The Split”
Perspective: Simon

Dear Diary,

Today was a disaster! It all started with a meeting. Ralph was really mad that the fire got put out. After a while all the anger boiled up inside of him and he called an assembly. He was incredibly mad at Jack. There is definitely a lot of tension between them. So we all went to the platform and one of the first things he said was, “This meeting is no fun and games. It’s to learn what’s what?” He started talking about using the bathroom all over the place. He reinserted himself as chief and declared that everyone has to use the bathroom behind the rocks by the ocean. He also said that we weren’t filling the coconuts with water any more and that we should be doing that. Oh ya, he made a new rule. All fire must be kept on the mountain so if you want food you must take it up the mountain. One of the other things he was talking about was the huts. He wants more people to be working on the huts so they can protect from the rain and the beastie. Nobody still knows what it is. Ralph says the littluns cry at night but I think that we are all scared. Percival, one of the littluns, think the beast comes from the water. He is the effigy of fear that is spreading throughout us. He burst out in lamentation. Also, another littlun saw me last night when I went to my secret place. I hope no one finds out where I go. Anyways, the main reason he called the assembly was about the smoke. Ralph said that is the most important thing on this island, to keep the smoke signals going. Ralph went rambling on but that is when the trouble started. Jack thinks that the most important thing is hunting. There is a major problem. They both are thinking in two different ways. Jack is for hunting when Ralph thinks the fire is most important. I asked what was the diritesty thing there was. I think it is how everyone is so competivitve and how it’s all about power. The entire group thought the question was ludicrous and laughed. Jack blew up and the end of the meeting and just left. He does not have decorum. The hunters went off and started chanting with Jack. The hunters are turning wild. Now it is them against Ralph, Piggy, and I. All I can say is that things aren’t getting better.
Write more later,