Thursday, October 22, 2009

Entry #10

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 11- Castle Rock
“Nothing Goes Right”
Perspective: Aubrey

#1 Piggy told Ralph to blow the conch. To blow it long and hard. In the book they said it was like the very first time when they had first found the conch.

#2 Piggy would go to Jack and tell him that he isn’t as smart or as good as Jack is but he wanted the glasses back to be fair and because “what’s right is right”.

#3 When they wanted to go and talk to Jack, Ralph wanted everybody to be all neat. He wanted their hair combed and everybody bathed. He wanted them to be civilized just like they were before they crashed.

#4 When Ralph, Piggy, Sam, and Eric approached castle rock Roger was at the top asking them who went there. When he started blowing the conch more savages came out from behind the rock.

#5 Jack was out hunting when the boys came. He heard the conch and came back to defend his castle. There was a cessation of noise when he appeared.

#6 Ralph calls Jack a thief for stealing Piggy’s glasses. Jack gets mad and starts yelling at Ralph telling him to call him a thief over and over again.

#7 After the fight Jack tells the savages to tie up Samneric. The boys beat them up. I think that Jack did that just to show how powerful he is to Ralph now and that the boys are on his side.

#8 While Piggy was holding the conch that acted like a tailsman and trying to talk sense into the boys Roger kept throwing rocks. They went close to the boys but never hit anybody.

#9 I think that it was Rogers fault. He was clearly on top of the rock and pushed the lever down. Jack was on the bottom getting ready to charge so the rock would be swept clear. Jack was definitely intending on doing something however I don’t know if anyone would have died. Jack never gave any orders for Roger to push the lever and I think that he was surprised to have that happen. Roger was clearly delirious and was truculent when he did it. Overall, I think that it was Roger who killed Piggy.

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